ZEBRA PDT TC72 2D-SR 4/32 AD8/GMS (TC720L-0ME24B0-D2A6)
ZEBRA TC72 Android, 4GB RAM/32GB Flash, SE4750 SR, 5MP Front, 13MP Rear Camera, Micro SD, GMS, ROW, Disabled Wi-Fi, BT, NFC, Camera, and Microphone
At the edge of your business are your front line workers that spend their days in the field, face-to-face serving the important asset in your company — your customers. Now, there’s a device designed to take staff enablement and customer service to the next level by delivering everything your workers need to achieve peak efficiency, with trouble-free reliability — the TC77 Android Touch Computer. This family builds on the highly successful TC75 Series family to create the ultimate ultra-rugged all-touch computer for workers outside the four walls — a smartphone experience for ultimate in simplicity, global cellular network flexibility, construction designed to withstand years of the toughest everyday use and abuse for the ultimate in rugged design, and a new platform offering more capabilities than any other device in this class. The TC77 — for a real competitive edge at the edge of your business, delivered.
* Generic image used.
Please Note: Specifications and options may vary and are subject to change without prior notice